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I am running for U.S. House of Representative to bring some common sense and traditional values to Washington DC. I plan to represent all the people of Vermont with honor and integrity.

Vermont is financially in trouble. Fighting for financial transparency and government accountability, I want to see our state get back on its feet and be able to cover its own expenses with business, industry and ingenuity; as was once a norm for the industrious New England people.

Nationally, it is upsetting for most Americans to see the constant bickering, finger pointing and blame games that go on in politics. Our Representatives should at all times be working in the best interest of the people, not just power for the party.

I love our state and it’s people. As a long time Vermont small business owner, I know the struggles we are all facing. I want to help! I want the chance to fight for us all!

Let us begin with term limits for all government officials. Yes, All!!!

100% Fair and Honest Elections with one vote for each citizen.

What's Important To Me & Why I'm Running

  •  Upon winning, candidates swear an Oath to our Constitution. It is most important to uphold that Oath. The second paragraph of the United States Declaration of Independence starts: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
  • As I myself am a Student of life , Education is very important to me . Without some long diatribe into current problems , I remain steadfast in the need for core curriculum for our young upcoming citizens that encourages independent study outside of classrooms and the re introduction of Civics and Citizenship in to core curriculum . Recalling , Abraham Lincoln was in fact self educated with only a third grade education yet became one of our most respected Presidents . America can do better with education for the children . It is frustrating to say the least, that many after 12 years of education read and write at a 3 grade level . let us not forget Fredric Douglass , an escaped slave that became an Advisor to 6 Presidents.
  • To serve ones State and Nation is a gift and a blessing from our Citizens. Let us have Term Limits for all elected representatives. George Washington begins his address by explaining his decision to not seek a third term as president. He had hoped to retire after his first term, he says, “but for the critical posture of our affairs with foreign nations, and the unanimous advice of persons entitled to my confidence impelled me to abandon the idea.” Career politicians seem to be out of touch with citizens and the realities most face in every day life. Not every person elected will be perfect, we are not God. Each elected official should do their very best, then move on. Let us not be so far removed from reality .

Secure Borders

Term Limits

Affordable Education

Reduce Taxes

Secure Borders / Immigration Reform:
The United States has Immigration laws in place that should be followed

Reduce Taxes / Smaller Government:
Transparency and accountability are critical to public trust
One topic one bill, eliminate pork

Quality Affordable Education:
Encourage excellence to continue to grow beyond the classroom

Civics and Citizenship:
Let us not be engaged in governing for personal partisan agendas and gains, but for the best interests and rights of our fellow citizens

End Slavery:
The slavery of humans exists in America. We MUST END Human Trafficking!

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